
ISSC 2022-06-21 18938

亲爱的留学生同学,你们好(Dear all)

          光阴似箭,岁月如梭! 2022 年春季学期即将结束,虽然 COVID-19 疫情还在继续,却阻挡不了大家在汉语学习上取得的进步。(Time fliesThe spring semester of 2022 is drawing to a close. Although the epidemic of covid-19 continues, it can't stop the progress made by all the  Chinese language learners.)

       本学期,除了正常的网络课程外,我们结合同学们的学习实际安排组织了一系列的线上活动。包括“‘我眼中的美好’摄影活动(3 月)”“一起写汉字4 月)”“汉语朗读(5月)”“汉语演讲  (6 月)”等等。在同学们提交的作品中,我们真切地感受到了大家对学习的热情、对生活的热爱。本学期,我们还通过微信公众号“IchineseSJTU”为同学们推出了“一周一字周一)”“HSK周周学周三)”“中国行周五) 汉语学习栏目。除此之外,我们还通过线上或线下的组织交流与互动,将中国的“清明节”“端午节”等文化民俗,推介给大家。这些活动与安排,受到了广大同学们的肯定和好评!我们为同学们取得的每一个进步而高兴,并为各位的坚持不懈而点赞!同时,也感谢大家对我们工作的支持与理解!(This semester, in addition to the normal online courses, we have organized a series of activities, including activity of photography on Happiness in my eyes (March), Write Chinese Characters (April), Read in Chinese (May), and Speech in Chinese: My Story in this Semester (June). In  works from the participants, weve felt their passion for learning and living. In addition to these, in this semester, we published programs on One week one word (Monday), Tutoring on HSK (Wednesday) and Traveling in China (Friday) on school WeChat IchineseSJTU. Meanwhile, we also introduced the traditional culture, such as Qing-Ming Festival, and Dragon-Boat Festival  via the WeChat platform. In retrospect, we are happy for the progress made by each of us, and we are proud of your perseverance and hard-working, and here we also appreciate your support and understanding to our work! Thank you!           我们衷心地希望汉语能助力同学们在人生道路上创造更加美好的生活!希望本学期的学习历程能成为大家难忘的人生记忆!同时,我们也由衷地期待各位能为增进中外语言的理解与互动、促进中外人文的交流与发展贡献自己的智慧与力量!最后,祝福各位! (We sincerely hope that Chinese language can help you create better life, and the learning experience in this semester can be good memory of your life! We sincerely hope that with what youve learned to enhance the understanding and interaction between Chinese language and your mother language, and promote cultural  exchange between us! Finally, best wishes for everyone! 


 特别提示(Special tips for those who already signed up for the fall semester of 2022):

         秋季学期的开学注册日为98日。在中国的学生,暑假期间,注意个人防护,出门戴口罩,勤洗手;尽量减少集体活动和外出;一定要遵守中国的法律法规! (The  registration day for the fall semester is on September 8. For international students in Chinese mainland, it is good of wearing mask,  washing hands frequently, reducing group activities and going out during the summer vacation. And, please abide by Chinese laws and regulations!)

                                                                                                                                                                      人文学院留服中心 2022/06/24