
上海交通大学人文学院培训中心国际部 2020-09-28 5841


Dear learners,

为加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,按照教育部和上海市的统一部署,也为了您的安全与健康考虑,上海交通大学已研究决定推迟 2020 年春季学期开学时间,并要求全体同学不要提前来校。

In order to strengthen the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus and to ensure your health and safety, according to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Education and Shanghai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has decided to postpone the start of the spring semester of 2020. All students are required not to arrive at school in advance.


As the world-wide pandemic of novel-coronavirus pneumonia has not yet come to an end, to facilitate your Chinese study, we have made the decision to switch the entire Chinese language program to online live-broadcasting teaching. We hope you will choose to stay with SJTU as the institution of learning. If you choose to study online, Please stay at home and follow our online instruction. Students who are not currently in China are not expected to come to China for online study. In order to guarantee an orderly and smooth start of the new instructional system, we need your co-operation to make a choice and deal with corresponding procedures to that choice.


(1)  转为本年度暑期课程的费用,或本年度秋季学期的费用(相关的补差额的要求,届时会通知到您的邮箱)。

(2)  要求退回3900元.

You can take the 13-week online live-broadcasting courses(2020.03.30-2021.06.26)in spring semester which has 3 class hours a day from 16:00 (Beijing time) (Note that this is different from the MOOC materials provided to you previously, as the latter is free of charge). The tuition is ¥6000, and if you have paid ¥9900 before,please email clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn before March 30th to know how to get the rest part of tuition which is ¥3900 in total. And there are two options and you must choose one of them:

(1)      The rest fee can be reserved for the summer Chinese tuition or the fall semester tuition. (The related policies will be sent to you by email.)

(2)      You can ask for getting refund ¥3900.

2.如果本学期不参加在线直播课程,且秋季有继续学习的意向,可以将本学期学费保留至下学期使用(2020.9 - 2021.01)。届时需要在网上重新报名(报名时间:2020.05.01 - 2020.06.15)。报名时无需再次缴纳报名费,请将春季学期的录取通知书作为付款凭证上传即可。


According to the relevant visa regulation in China, if the purpose of staying in China is not related to study, you cannot stay with a student visa. Therefore, if you do not join the online course, and want to continue studying in Autumn semester, you can reserve the tuition fee for this semester as the tuition fee for the next semester (2020.9-2021.01). You need to do is reapplying online again. (online registration period: 2020.05.01-2020.06.15). The application fee 450RMB will not be charged again, please upload your Admission Notice as a payment receipt.

If you are in China, please send the photo of your student visa page to clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn before March 30th. so as to cancel the student visa. We will report the name list of all visa cancellations and submit them to the international student development center and the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau on April 30th. Before the autumn semester start, we will issue new visa documents to you.


(1) 在中国大陆的同学,请于2020年3月30日前,填写《承诺书》“在本学期(2020春季学期), 不再持上海交通大学发出的入学材料或学生签证进入中国大陆境内”,打印签名后,将《承诺书》照片反馈至clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn邮箱。学院收到邮件后,对于需要退费的情况,将于6月24日起,办理全额退费手续。

(2) 不在中国大陆的同学,请于2020年3月30日前将居留许可(学生签证页)发至clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn邮箱,办理学生签证取消手续和全额退费手续。我们将汇总所有取消签证人员的名单,并于4月30日提交至校留学生发展中心,供出入境统一注销学生签证。

You can choose to withdraw the tuition fee, we will refund the tuition fee as follows:

(1)    For students who are no longer in Chinese mainland, please fill in the letter of commitment and do not enter Chinese mainland during the spring semester of 2020, with any admission materials or student visa issued by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Print it out and send a photo copy to clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn with your personal signature before March 30th. Once the school receive the email, we will refund the full tuition from June 24th.

(2)    For students who are still in Chinese mainland, please send the photo of your student visa page toclpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn before March 30th. so as to cancel student visa and refund the tuition. We will report the name list of all visa cancellations and submit them to the international student development center and the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau on April 30th.





If you choose option 1: to enroll the online broadcasting classes, please follow these steps:1)      Inform us of the option via clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn and complete the payment/refunding of tuition.2)      Complete the online survey: https://www.wenjuan.com/s/aQZN3ay/3)      Add prof. Wang Jun as your wechat contact (account name: wjchs1). If you already added the contact, please inform him of your choice. You will then be invited to a new wechat group for class placement. Other questions about course learning will also be answered in the chat group.


If you have any further questions, please contact us via email.

签证和费用(visa and fee): clpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn

课程及教学(academic affairs): mjzhu315@sjtu.edu.cn

线上注册(online registration):iso@sjtu.edu.cn; linchunhua@sjtu.edu.cn; lixiaoxuan@sjtu.edu.cn

学生事务(student affairs):  zhjinpo@sjtu.edu.cn


Once again, we would like to express our deep gratitude to every international student who has come to our school. At the same time, we also sincerely hope that each student can keep healthy and safety and successfully complete studying plan. Hope we can meet you in person in the near future.

A letter to Chinese Language Students at SJTU enrolled for Spring, 2020.pdf

Q&A of visa and refund for SJTU 2020 Spring Semester.pdf

承诺书样本(Sample of Commitment).pdf