Courses:A Crosslinguistic Perspective to Chinese Grammar, English for Linguistic Majors, Research Topics on modern Chinese (School of Foreign Languages), Schools of Linguistic Thought, Chinese Language
- Articles
Articles and Book Volumes
• Huanghuang Chen and Dawei Jin. 2020. Overt contrastive topic marking in East Asian
languages—the case with Wenzhounese (in Chinese). Wuyu Yanjiu [Studies in Wu languages]
10(1): 110-119.
• Dawei Jin. 2020. Copula functions in a cross-Sinitic perspective. Folia Linguistica 54(1):
89-132. DOI: doi.org/10.1515/flin-2020-2028
• Dawei Jin. 2019. A semantic account of quantifier-induced intervention effects in Chinese
why-questions. Linguistics and Philosophy: 1-43 (Online First). DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s10988-
• Chengru Dong and Dawei Jin. 2019. An enthymematic approach to the deduction of the
negative meaning of the Chinese shenme-based rhetorical question construction. Studies in
Chinese Linguistics 40(1): 47-74. DOI: doi.org/10.2478/scl-2019-0002
• Dawei Jin and Jun Chen. 2019. Scalarity, degree reading, and maximality in a Mandarin numeral construction. Language & Linguistics 20(2): 148-179 (Special Issue: The
interface of semantics & etymology, morpho-syntax, and pragmatics in Chinese). DOI:
• Dawei Jin and Jun Chen. 2018. Meaning change in Chinese: A numeral phrase construction
from adjectives to superlatives to definite descriptions. Linguistics 56(3):599-651. DOI:
• Dawei Jin. 2016. Wide-scope indefinites and topicality: A novel account of quantifierinduced intervention in Chinese A-not-A questions. In: Ludmila Veselovska (ed.), Selected
Papers of the 5th Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students:
• Dawei Jin. 2015. Revisiting the licensing condition for the aboutness relation. In:
Bondaruk, Anna, Anna Bloch-Rozmej, Wojciech Malec, Ewelina Mokrosz, and Sławomir
Zdziebko.(eds.), Selected Papers of the 4th Central European Conference in Linguistics for
Postgraduate Students: 56-77.
• Dawei Jin. 2015. Coherence relations and clause linkage: Towards a discourse approach
to adjunct islands. Studies in Language 39(2): 224-258. DOI: doi.org/10.1075/sl.39.2.05jin
Proceeding Papers
• Dawei Jin. 2019. Copulas and the class of copular constructions in a cross-Sinitic perspective.
Proceedings of the North American Conference in Chinese Linguistics 2017 : 344-362.
• Dawei Jin. 2017. A semantic account of the intervention effects in Chinese why-questions.
In: Helle Hvid Hansen, Sarah E. Murray, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh and Henk Zeevat (eds).
Logic, Language and Computation: Revised Selected Papers of the 11th International Tbilisi
Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation (TbiLLC 2015): 66-88. Berlin-Heidelberg:
• Jun Chen and Dawei Jin. 2017. Meaning change from superlatives to definite descriptions:
A semantic perspective. Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society 52.
• Dawei Jin. 2016. Why-questions, topicality and intervention effects in Chinese. Yearbook
of Poznan Linguistics Meeting (YPLM) 2(1): 91-113. Berlin: de Gruyter.
• Dawei Jin. 2015. Coherence relation from a crosslinguistic perspective: The case in Chinese.
Extended Abstract for the 2015 LSA Annual Meeting.
• Dawei Jin. 2015. Contradiction, why-questions, and complex NP islands in Chinese. Penn
Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 21: Iss. 1.
• Dawei Jin. 2014. A pragmatic approach to parasitic gap construction in Chinese. Extended
Abstract for the 2014 LSA Annual Meeting.
• Dawei Jin. 2014. Coherence and Extraction from Adjuncts in Chinese. Proceedings of the
2014 ESSLLI Student Session: 88-99.
• Dawei Jin. 2013. Information Structure Constraints and Complex NP Islands in Chinese.
Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.110-120.
Stanford: CSLI Publications.