
上海交通大学人文学院培训中心国际部 2020-04-15 2703


Dear learners,


As the world-wide pandemic of novel-coronavirus pneumonia has not yet come to an end, to facilitate your Chinese study, we have made the decision to switch the entire Chinese language program to online live-broadcasting teaching. We hope you will choose to stay with SJTU as the institution of learning.

2020年暑期在线汉语课程时长为四周(2020年7月5日 - 7月31日),报名时间为2020年4月15日- 6月20日。共分为A到F 六个等级。

The summer online Chinese language course will be a 4 week course (July 5th to July 31th, 2020).The application period is from April 15th to June 20th. There are 6 levels in total (A to F) to assure students of different language levels find their suitable class.


We sincerely hope that each student can keep healthy and safety and successfully complete studying plan. Hope we can meet you in person in the near future.

Know more about the course


Chinese →http://www.sie.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/show.aspx?info_lb=24&info_id=722&flag=4